Zodangle Dating App


What is Zodangle?

Zodangle is a zodiac dating app that connects astrology to your modern dating lifestyle with simplicity.

What is the Compatibility Meter used for?

The Compatibility Meter is used to measure your sign's compatibility with other zodiac categories you're interested in exploring.

How does the Shooting Star feature work?

The Shooting Star feature allows users to send a direct message to "that special someone" in hopes of receiving a Fate Notification. The receiving party will then have the option to "Accept" or "Reject" your invitation. This feature is accessible only ONCE every 24 hours, so make it count!

What is a Fate Notification?

A Fate Notification is what you'll receive when you and another user have a mutual interest in each other, leading to a connection.

What are Zodiac Attributes and Dislikes?

Zodiac Attributes are personalized attributes based on your zodiac sign used to describe yourself. Attributes are displayed to other users when exploring your profile.Dislikes are common qualities used to define yourself. Dislikes are displayed to other users only when exploring your FULL profile. You can choose up to three Zodiac Attributes and Dislikes each (minimum of two).

How can I contact Zodangle for additional support?

You can contact us by sending an email to support@zodangle.com